
Memoir of a Brand Manager (Part 4)

August 2, 2019
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In this photo are two of the greatest influences on my marketing career. 

Vinita Bali, on the left, was Sales & Marketing Director at Cadbury Nigeria (CN) when I was appointed Brand Manager-Bournvita in March 1992. She was on a one year-exchange program from Cadbury, India. From VB (in CN style) I better understood the power of data, analytics and more. 

Vinita Bali & Biodun Jaji (MAJ)

Biodun Jaji (MAJ) on the right, succeeded VB as Sales & Marketing Director. I could write volumes on him, but sufficient to say that from him I gleaned learnings on creativity, strategy, presentation skills, and more, including the power of having a clean desk! 

#marketing #rolemodels #mentors #leaders #showingtheway

Author – Lampe Omoyele


  1. Muna - August 5, 2019

    Wow this is so cool sir.

    • Lampe - August 6, 2019



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